Saturday, June 11, 2016

With Trump's Name on It, Of Course

WARNING or (Click bait depending on you!) This post rated "R" for rant and for raunchy.

Some presidential campaigns have wooed voters with give-a-ways of useful items like fans, pens, mugs, sewing kits, combs, match boxes, and the like.  Donald Trump, looking for a way to woo women and environmentalists, has come up with the "biggest winner of all."  "The best presidential giveaway of all times" according to his beleaguered campaign staff.

Trump has promised to make women happier than Hillary Clinton would, and be the best president for women.  Now, promoting recycling that environmentalists champion, Trump has taken a clue from this commercial that seems ubiquitous on some cable channels:

Now Trump will offer former shampoo bottles that want to make women happy a unique opportunity.

The Trump campaign will be giving away (for only $9.95 postage and handling c/o The Trump Organization) this "really classy" recycled shampoo bottle made into a hairbrush that has an additional function that hairbrushes have been used for in private by women and girls to "make them smile" for years.

 Yes, it's the combined hairbrush and Donald Trump dildo, and it can be yours as a presidential campaign keepsake, a thoughtfully recycled environmentally friendly item, and a sex toy you can actually brush your hair with all in one --- only from The Trump Organization. (Just send $9.95 for shipping and handling).  The Trump Organization  -- selling America classy stuff with Trump's name on it for what seems like ages.

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The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth, and Then Some--Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics. And, Yes, We CAN Make this Stuff Up!