Saturday, December 29, 2007

Playing it Where it Lies For Saturday

The Pakistani government claims it has solved the whole mystery of the Bhutto assassination in just 24 hours. Fast--but it doesn't beat the record of Lt. Colombo (retired) who used to solve mysteries in an hour. (Lt. Colombo has retired to the capital of Sri Lanka, which retired "Ceylon.")
How could they know the whole story just 24 hours after the event? It's easy if you know the whole story 24 hours before the event. Has anyone checked to see if O.J. has an alibi?... Macy*s has announced that it will be closing seven stores. I guess they'll need to change their slogan to : "Macy*s--We're No Longer a Part of Your Life!"...In the "Hark, the Herald Devil Sings" Department, the Miami Herald has outsourced the editing of its copy about local news to a company in New Delhi. That's local news we're talking about, as in "Herold, there's a new deli on the corner." So remember guys, the word pronounced "Dell--ee" in Miami is spelled without the "h." As long as they can spell "drive by shooting" right they'll most likely be O.K. In the new, Thomas L. Friedman Flat World, all news, like all politics is local. As they say (locally) at Disneyland "It's a small world after all" (But I wouldn't want to paint it)...Clinton, Obama and Edwards all say they want change, but they're also willing to take folding money or checks.

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The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing But the Truth, and Then Some--Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics. And, Yes, We CAN Make this Stuff Up!